বুধবার ০৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

রাজ্য | Cloudy skies, mild rains make Kolkata weather cool

Porni Banerjee | ২২ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১২ : ০৬Porni Banerjee

Kolkata and many other parts of south Bengal have been witnessing cloudy weather accompanied by drizzling rains since the beginning of this week, giving huge relief from humid weather to city dwellers.

According to the Alipore Meteorological Department, the maximum temperature in Kolkata will be 31.9 degrees Celsius on Monday. Light to moderate rainfall along with thundershowers is expected in Kolkata on Monday and Tuesday. The weather office still does not predict any heavy rainfall in the city this week. Chances of rain will decrease from Wednesday.

Meanwhile, scattered heavy rainfall may occur over coastal districts and high tide will increase in the Bay of Bengal. Following this, a warning for heavy rainfall alert has been issued for tourists. In addition, fishermen have been prohibited from going to sea till Tuesday.

On the other hand, incessantly heavy rainfall continues to disrupt normal lives in North Bengal’s Darjeeling, Kalimpong and other parts of the Himalayan region. Rainfall will weaken in North Bengal from Wednesday.

বিশেষ খবর

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নানান খবর

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সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া

07 24